The Forbidden Book: Color Edited by Abe Ignacio, Enrique De La Cruz, Jorge Emmanuel and Helen Toribio ISBN 1-887764-61-5,186 Pages,12 X 9 Full Color(Softbound $24.95; Case Bound $65.00)The brutal war waged by the United States against the Filipino people at the turn of the century (1898) has been shrouded in darkness for a long time, the truth concealed from generations of Americans, and of course, the Filipino people.
THE FORBIDDEN BOOK brings that shameful episode in our history out in the open, with a wonderful combination of crystal-clear text and extraordinary cartoons.
I will attempt here to address several areas of social conscience controlled by Politics.
This is Bella De Soto, a long time Activist and proud Woman Feminist recognizing my worth as a female member of the World, and native born in The Caribbean Island Dominican Republic. I am Chic because I'm an Atheist, but it sure feels great being both, a freethinker and humanist... I will no longer surrender my intellect to Religion (Colonization).
The question at year end is always: What is an Activist to do to resist the madness of the holiday season Religions Consumerism=Capilalism (Globolization/Colonization) like X-Mas?
This time of year is particularly difficult to single parent households, which are disproportionately represented by Women. The financial hardship, and demand are critical, creating great stress, as the propaganda of consumption has become the corner stone of Capitalism. Perception is precisely the area most vulnerable and has been so influenced through a constant hypnosis of propaganda during our lives. More than ever, our society must guard itself by utilizing its critical faculties, to begin dissecting the propaganda.
So how do we rise to this challenge? First we must come to grip with the luring traditional relationship between Religion and Government. This of course, may present a conundrum to many of us, but to understand the underpinning dynamics that support Capitalism on a global scale must be reconciled. This is necessary, to collectively change, shift the paradigm of consumption within ourselves foremost, and rather, begin adopting alternative measures and influence those around us with different value standards.
How about Recycling by using all the good old fashion household items around the home like News Papers, magazines, paper bags, cord, and a host of other to wrap, create gifts if you must? And how about creating family excitement by making a special gift in which all members can participate in, starting on Jan and completed any time during the year to be sent to its destination to an other Country anywhere in the world of your choosing, addressed to a child, a family, or community?
This is not easy, as we have been so conditioned to always follow the tie, but I put to you that if we do start earnest efforts to the contrary, then we will be part of the solution toward a better World!!!
To reach, the consciousness of analyzing various historic hunting issues in order to refuse and resist Capitalism is key to humanity’s survival. Such as; what is Imperialism?, its survival tools!, the abundant benefits Imperialist Countries have gained over the years, the difference bet. Free Trade and Fair Trade, why populations are compelled to migrate from their homelands to others, what guiding principles are shared by the US Federal Reserve/IMF, WTO/World Bank, and the Free Trade Agreements. Who pulls the strings?, how their horrendous & stringent economic policies imposed on the monetary poorest countries globally have rendered total devastation. However, these $ depressed nations are also the most rich in national resources, which is why the US Multinational Companies (Shadow Gov.) have pillaged them over the years, while leaving no economic benefit to the local populations! And folks, this very quick passage has brought us to the political juncture we are in today, with current trends to get much worst!!!
There are no "Third World Countries" (under developed is also an overt statement), but continents/regions/countries kept from developing, due to the earlier mentioned historic imperialist impediments imposed by the US in the past 175 years (US Constitution 1787). Thus, the entire globe has suffered economic devastation, and that the first fore bearers to suffer are Children, Women and the Frail. ..."Third World" is a non-logical imperialist classification to cover up its guilt, futile strategies...
Under various religions, Women are conveniently stripped from ownership of property, so that they will have no claim to self-autonomy, or human rights, rather become the property of the patriarch structure!!! Capitalism has survived the times through this suppression of basic rights!!! As Women, is our duty to join forces and take on this challenge, armed with info, for much is at stake! We must demand united human rights Worldwide, and proclaim December 10th as a global Human Rights celebration date…
Let's face it; the globe can no longer sustain this ill consumption drive, and unless this government long held foreign policies shift toward a radical opposite direction soon, I fear the US will never be safe.
Therefore, to stop Capitalism on a global scale, the separation of Church and Government is key.
Bella De Soto
* You can visit a most unusual Website.... Ever expanding and organic... But please first Google belladesoto and see what comes back... E-mail me from there at:
* Is not easy being green when all around me is purple...
* I am Chic because I am an Atheist, but it sure feels great being both, a free thinker and humanist...
* As an Independent, there are No votes for the two US political party Dictatorship system in this household of me and myself, that's 2 non Votes...
* I am still figuring out how to make money to just survive, so let's do away with the Federal Reserve...
* There are only 3 main venues of non commercial media in the US;Pacifica Radio ; Public Access Cable TV Channels & Free Speech TV # 9415 on Dish Satellite, all else is commercial owned by five Multinational Companies!: GE/Walt Disney/Viacom/AOL-Time Warner & Rupert Murdoch (Fox & others), so where is the Democracy??? This structure is a dictatorial one, where almost all means of communication is censured and controlled, not for the public, but for commercials. Therefore, no diverging point of view, nor musical diversity...
* Imperialism (Greed/Capitalism)+Religion=Colonization whereas, Revolution=Change, Insurgent=Freedom Fighter from Imperialism worldwide...
* No Free Trade (WB/IMF/WTO), give me Fair Trade, , IE., Shade grown Coffee from Chiapas, Mexico, etc. Check out "Just add justice".
* Women's intellect is superior than men, which is why they are severed and weaken by religion, to erode unity, thus either one is easy prey to colonization...
* To decolonize one self is to rebel against the womb (all Religion)...
* Let's abolish all Holidays like "Christopher Columbus", "Thanks Giving", and yes, Xmas...
* My up coming Book 1st Volume titled "Bella Speaks: "An Island Girl's Defiance from Dictatorship" (Whenever I may finish it remains to be seen...)
~~*~~ See how corrupted Labor Unions have been centrally responsible for NAFTA & CAFTA's globalization... While the ranking file (The Workers) are censured and kept out of the negotiations... Example by the SEIU recent militarized Convention... Thanks to Steve Zeltzer & Crew for movie production in Puerto Rico 2008.
THE FORBIDDEN BOOK brings that shameful episode in our history out in the open, with a wonderful combination of crystal-clear text and extraordinary cartoons.
I will attempt here to address several areas of social conscience controlled by Politics.
This is Bella De Soto, a long time Activist and proud Woman Feminist recognizing my worth as a female member of the World, and native born in The Caribbean Island Dominican Republic. I am Chic because I'm an Atheist, but it sure feels great being both, a freethinker and humanist... I will no longer surrender my intellect to Religion (Colonization).
The question at year end is always: What is an Activist to do to resist the madness of the holiday season Religions Consumerism=Capilalism (Globolization/Colonization) like X-Mas?
This time of year is particularly difficult to single parent households, which are disproportionately represented by Women. The financial hardship, and demand are critical, creating great stress, as the propaganda of consumption has become the corner stone of Capitalism. Perception is precisely the area most vulnerable and has been so influenced through a constant hypnosis of propaganda during our lives. More than ever, our society must guard itself by utilizing its critical faculties, to begin dissecting the propaganda.
So how do we rise to this challenge? First we must come to grip with the luring traditional relationship between Religion and Government. This of course, may present a conundrum to many of us, but to understand the underpinning dynamics that support Capitalism on a global scale must be reconciled. This is necessary, to collectively change, shift the paradigm of consumption within ourselves foremost, and rather, begin adopting alternative measures and influence those around us with different value standards.
How about Recycling by using all the good old fashion household items around the home like News Papers, magazines, paper bags, cord, and a host of other to wrap, create gifts if you must? And how about creating family excitement by making a special gift in which all members can participate in, starting on Jan and completed any time during the year to be sent to its destination to an other Country anywhere in the world of your choosing, addressed to a child, a family, or community?
This is not easy, as we have been so conditioned to always follow the tie, but I put to you that if we do start earnest efforts to the contrary, then we will be part of the solution toward a better World!!!
To reach, the consciousness of analyzing various historic hunting issues in order to refuse and resist Capitalism is key to humanity’s survival. Such as; what is Imperialism?, its survival tools!, the abundant benefits Imperialist Countries have gained over the years, the difference bet. Free Trade and Fair Trade, why populations are compelled to migrate from their homelands to others, what guiding principles are shared by the US Federal Reserve/IMF, WTO/World Bank, and the Free Trade Agreements. Who pulls the strings?, how their horrendous & stringent economic policies imposed on the monetary poorest countries globally have rendered total devastation. However, these $ depressed nations are also the most rich in national resources, which is why the US Multinational Companies (Shadow Gov.) have pillaged them over the years, while leaving no economic benefit to the local populations! And folks, this very quick passage has brought us to the political juncture we are in today, with current trends to get much worst!!!
There are no "Third World Countries" (under developed is also an overt statement), but continents/regions/countries kept from developing, due to the earlier mentioned historic imperialist impediments imposed by the US in the past 175 years (US Constitution 1787). Thus, the entire globe has suffered economic devastation, and that the first fore bearers to suffer are Children, Women and the Frail. ..."Third World" is a non-logical imperialist classification to cover up its guilt, futile strategies...
Under various religions, Women are conveniently stripped from ownership of property, so that they will have no claim to self-autonomy, or human rights, rather become the property of the patriarch structure!!! Capitalism has survived the times through this suppression of basic rights!!! As Women, is our duty to join forces and take on this challenge, armed with info, for much is at stake! We must demand united human rights Worldwide, and proclaim December 10th as a global Human Rights celebration date…
Let's face it; the globe can no longer sustain this ill consumption drive, and unless this government long held foreign policies shift toward a radical opposite direction soon, I fear the US will never be safe.
Therefore, to stop Capitalism on a global scale, the separation of Church and Government is key.
Bella De Soto
* You can visit a most unusual Website.... Ever expanding and organic... But please first Google belladesoto and see what comes back... E-mail me from there at:
* Is not easy being green when all around me is purple...
* I am Chic because I am an Atheist, but it sure feels great being both, a free thinker and humanist...
* As an Independent, there are No votes for the two US political party Dictatorship system in this household of me and myself, that's 2 non Votes...
* I am still figuring out how to make money to just survive, so let's do away with the Federal Reserve...
* There are only 3 main venues of non commercial media in the US;Pacifica Radio ; Public Access Cable TV Channels & Free Speech TV # 9415 on Dish Satellite, all else is commercial owned by five Multinational Companies!: GE/Walt Disney/Viacom/AOL-Time Warner & Rupert Murdoch (Fox & others), so where is the Democracy??? This structure is a dictatorial one, where almost all means of communication is censured and controlled, not for the public, but for commercials. Therefore, no diverging point of view, nor musical diversity...
* Imperialism (Greed/Capitalism)+Religion=Colonization whereas, Revolution=Change, Insurgent=Freedom Fighter from Imperialism worldwide...
* No Free Trade (WB/IMF/WTO), give me Fair Trade, , IE., Shade grown Coffee from Chiapas, Mexico, etc. Check out "Just add justice".
* Women's intellect is superior than men, which is why they are severed and weaken by religion, to erode unity, thus either one is easy prey to colonization...
* To decolonize one self is to rebel against the womb (all Religion)...
* Let's abolish all Holidays like "Christopher Columbus", "Thanks Giving", and yes, Xmas...
* My up coming Book 1st Volume titled "Bella Speaks: "An Island Girl's Defiance from Dictatorship" (Whenever I may finish it remains to be seen...)
~~*~~ See how corrupted Labor Unions have been centrally responsible for NAFTA & CAFTA's globalization... While the ranking file (The Workers) are censured and kept out of the negotiations... Example by the SEIU recent militarized Convention... Thanks to Steve Zeltzer & Crew for movie production in Puerto Rico 2008.