Politics Matter-001

Tuesday, May 17, 2011



I am a Socialist, what about you???>>>

...So why are Third Party Candidates not allowed to debate the two political party (Reps/Dems) Dictatorship in the U.S.A.?????? The answer is very simple really;If so, Liberals and Conservatives could no longer fabricate their illusions of deceit for the USA population... As Mr. Ralph Nader puts it "Their game is to always fight amongst each other, while the peoples needs are assaulted and ignored"

So historic human advocate Ralph Nader (Former Presidential Candidates, like Ron Paul/Dennis Kucinich,and others) has never been allowed to debate a Democratic party hack running for public office, ever, or Republican hack for that matter!!! However, now that Libertarian Congressman Ron Paul-Republican will be running for the U.S.A. presidency again on the 2012 Election, and the Tea Party is almost in charge of the Republican party, then perhaps Ralph Nader will have some clout beside C-Span's generous coverage of all Ralph Nader, and others who dare to challenge this most ill dictatorship of choices, to garner wider audience coverage finally.

"Shame on you Google, for not conducting the unique debate you committed to hold in 2008, but pressured out of !!!!!!!!" In this country, we need strong souls to do the right thing, or we are collectively doomed and dammed... *I do not fully agree with all Ron Paul's political stands, but the strong ones are:U.S. get out of the world, eliminate the Federal Reserve (a Bildergerg (JP Morgan/Rothchild, et al)-Group creation-Woodrow Wilson-28th USA President 1913-21), and while you're at it, the IRS please, but also don't forget to term limit the Supreme Court Judges.
I have just gotten started Ron Paul, so I hope you have a stronger stomach... What about my body as a Woman, no State/Church, or Jurisdiction of any kind should intrude my personal decision whether to birth, or not, not just in this Country, but the globe!!! What about the hypocrisy of the so called "Immigration issues". I arrived to New York City in 1965. But why is the question? Why my Mother was compelled to leave her birth land and take her kids with her to a foreign land?

Well, (Imperialism/colonization)here I can teach about the historic thousands of illegal invasions/political interventions, to block any people progress in other lands... As if the killings/destruction of both, human and economic has not been enough, try the sa called "Free Trade Agreements", like CAFTA/NAFTA, to further deliver the nail in the coffin of the poor countries defenseless amidst the powerful criminal U>S>A>. There's much to learn in this area, any takers?

OK, here are Two shorts, one is a Cartoon video "How Money is historically Made in the good all U.S.A.", and the other is very relevant short on the scarcity of different political voices heard on our national media landscape "A to Z, But What About #3 ???) I copied these from FSTV-Free Speech TV-9415 on Dish Satellite, in 2007.
...Having uploading problems, hopefully can resolve soon...