Politics Matter-001

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Shadow Government;Who's really in charge?


The main boycott Israeli Gov criminal gif image
The site address:
The PalestinianWoman playing the Flte image
The 100 Check point map as of 2005

Who is Leonard Peltier? Why has this valiant human rights Indian/American Indigenous fighter for his people's rights has been locked away for nearly his life, after framed by the CIA in the early 1970's here in the good old U.S.A.
**As so many other prisoners of injustice, languishing in prisons across the U.S.A. All, prisoners of war in their soil... Where is the justice here??? Empire thrives, while many die/parish in resistance of its brutal oppressive system (Ill/heartless Capitalism). How much longer can humanity sustain this aggression against mere human dignity.
Stop torturing animals for your eating pleasure without knowing what you're ingesting and consequences. Not eating meat of any kind protects the circle:Our bodies/fertile soil/our rivers/lakes/seas and our other friends (all 4/2 legged). Two weeks after you stop, your belly will begin to shrink, no ifs or buts... later, I'll share what other so called "Foods" not to eat (nothing white, only Olive/Sesame & grape Seed oils/Basmati & grain Brown Rice/all grains are great, no Carbohydrates/plenty veggies/Brown non cage Eggs/plain Yogurt/No commercial Milk...). We need to learn so, so much. My reading pics on this subgect: Learn about the politics behind what is regarded as "Food" in the U.S. A. from the great work of Michael Pollan "In Defense Of Food" & "The Omnivore's Dilemma", and from Dr. Jana Klauer, M.D. "How The Rich Get Thin", (What is Protein/Carbohydrate?) although she does recommend some lean meats, in this book, to my surprise (it was a gift), she shares a wealth of nutritional info, that while simple, is not readily available.

Bella De Soto http://www.bellads.info/

Bella's Public Access Community production of "Politics Matter"
(Opening only 2:56 mts)



Video Production Title "Dutchoven08" on YouTube
Created by Dutch Merrick Nov/04/2008-I.A. Local44- American Politician's 'InAction' has lead this country into a final swirl around the drain. The ambiguous offer of 'Hope and Change' has left us upbeat and... (Bella says:Fucked in the "us", because Pres. Barrack Obama is just an other Imperialist face, and what is even more frightening is that a person of color will be given even more daring orders beyond the boundaries of G.W.B., his predecessor... Can all U.S. Presidents be criminals? Well, if you study true history, then you learn that the U.S has been historically developed on the backs of the global poor, to date, by fabricating false enemies, thus illegal/one sided "Wars/invations", to steal their national resources...".

Also check out
Alex Jones' extensive archives at:
http://www.prisonplanet.com/ , or www.infowars.com , Also check out http://www.zeitgeist.movie.com/ (Adendum)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Secret Societies hide behind the cloak of religion... From Babylon's Falling Secret symbols represent the esoteric societies, who have practiced global control to date... The Bilderberg is one of "THE" most powerful, to date... With a 300 membership, and surprise... H. Clinton is one of them... June 5, 2008, 125 of the most powerful people in the world are meet, and yet the corporate (Pentagon) media hasn't a clue! ~~David Icke-Author-Video Added: Nov. 19, 2006 (See below) ~~The Secret Bilderberg group intent on a New World Order are revealed in this short clip Category: News & Politics . However, because The History channel aired this info, they had to cover up and disclaim the truth of what is realy going on under our noses... ~http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDUMEEl_ajM~~Tags: Bilderberg Group NWO conspiracy Washington DC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXqj9epGEas


...Also, you can follow this link to watch "Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove" http://video.google.com/videohosted?docid=-8209591770573498382095917705734983&q=dark+secrets+bohemian+grove a movie by Alex Jones. www.infowars.com > Immortal Technique - Dance With The Devil http://www.prisonplanet.com/

**Hillary Clinton Exposed for her & Husband’s corruption… Why are there so many are perishing in jails/Prisons? Is it because they are poor, therefore enslaved to the Prison Industrial Complex Crooks (Wall Street Big Bus.) of the Rich & Famous? Watch this Video to see just a small slice of the pie unfold…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMfUajhL24I&eurl=http://belladesoto.blogspot.com/&feature=player_embedded

Is it for greed/Money???...How coincidental is it, that all global heads of states appear somehow as members by extension, of the "Round Table-the central head Organization., around which its Six extended global Family of Organizations: The Council on Foreign Relations;The United Nations;The Bilderberg Group;Club of Rome;Royal Institute of International Affairs & The Trilateral Commission. All are false entities veiled by religious dogma for global control... These clandestine global organization members, head all the critical governmental bodies/agencies worldwide, therby controlling all human decision... So how humane is this structure??? Are humans slaves prior to being delivered from their mother's womb??? ... How can we, the many, change this course soon, before is too late... I see global unity as our common artillery, because they are the few!!! HAL TURNER'S EXPLANATION (Real/False) OF THE NEW UP COMING NORTH AMERICA (CANADA/U.S. & MEXICO) CURRENCY FORCED ON THE POPULATION BY MARCH-2009 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1954933468700958565&hl=es

Worth your while to study this issue carefully...