Politics Matter-001

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Calling all MICE, Look up "MOUSELAND", 5 Minute Video-Utube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T77UyD9EqME&feature=related

You've been ownedRegister Socialist at: www.peaceandfreedom.org

Mouseland   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T77UyD9EqME&feature=related


 My comment  response to this great short video…
Yes, as a Socialist, I fully grasp this message.  Why not Socialists, elected for public office currently in the Corporation (Two political party Dictatorship=democrats/Republlicans=One Party,Two faces) known as the USA????
Because Dictatorships only thrives through might power/control.  The two political party dictatorship this Corporation known as the USA, has been fooling its population way too long, so we must rise and take the power away...

Register Socialist at: www.peaceandfreedom.org